Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mesothelioma - Important Basic Facts You Need To Know

Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest diseases has been found by man. Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor that rapidly proliferating type of cancer that affects the mesothelial cells of several organs, the mesothelium is the protective thin covering over organs such as heart, lungs and stomach.

Whatever is the verbal definition given for this deadly disease, one thing is for sure is the deadliness of this disease is fatal. That is a fatal disease that really has too much to take in the grip. Maximum period of life after the disease has been diagnosed, it is one or two years. This is a severe form of cancer that is not curable. However, some studies have suggested that if the disease can be diagnosed at a very early stage of the life of the individuals who will be affected by this deadly disease, can be stretched to at most 5 years.

Main cause of mesothelioma is a long exposure to asbestos. Usually this disease affects people and found that workers work in industries that use asbestos as an important input to the process of bringing different. It is used in the manufacturing, automotive, shipping and construction. Direct exposure to loose asbestos fibers can develop the symptoms of mesothelioma, but cells infected can remain in the body to sleep in a long time about 15-20 years without causing any symptoms immediately.

But the worst of this disease is the fact that this disease is generally detected in older days ie at the age of 50-60 years and also in most of the last stage, so that it is possible to reduce each of the recovery. This is why people who have been taken in a lot of asbestos particles should be scanned regularly for any symptoms of mesothelioma. Government policy that has the authority to mesothelioma patients to claim compensation. They can file lawsuits with the help of their attorneys for claiming such compensation.

Mesothelioma victims can sue the company that does not work for social responsibility, but is more concerned about the profit flow, and does not perform any steps to protect workers from the side effects from the use of asbestos.

Comments :

2 comments to “Mesothelioma - Important Basic Facts You Need To Know”

bisnisinternetsukses said...

ow, info bagus nih, padahal aq perawat, kok ngak tau yag dengan penyakit ini. makasih deh nambah wawasan nih

asep canda said...

nice info $ob :D


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